Warum scheitern die meisten Startups?

Scheitern, ein Mann steht unter einer dunklen Regenwolke

Starting a business can be an exhilarating and rewarding journey and a path full of challenges and uncertainties. This is especially true in this fast-paced world of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, the majority of startups don’t make it past their infancy. This is also shown in several statistics – that most startups fail within their first few […]

What’s the Ultimate Difference Between a Startup and Small Business?

Startup and Small Business - Featured Image

The terms startup and small business are often used interchangeably in the business landscape. Are they just different words for the same thing, or is there a significant distinction that sets them apart? While they may share some similarities, distinct differences set them apart. That’s what we’re going to discover in this article!  Whether you’re […]