How to Make a Mood Board? A Visual List of Ideas!

How to Make a Mood Board A Visual List of Ideas! - Featured Image

If you’re eager to bring your creative visions to life, a mood board is the perfect tool to help you translate your ideas into a tangible form. It’s not just a simple collage of scrapbooks back in high school.  It’s a collage of inspiration that allows you to explore different possibilities, experiment with combinations, and […]

Can You Create a Cheap Logo Design All Alone?

cheap budget logo design

Creating a cheap logo design is an option for many, especially for startup businesses that don’t have enough budget for branding. Although you can create a cheap logo design alone, producing the desired outcome with little to no designing skills can take time and effort. This is where AI logo maker tools come in.  Aside […]

How Can You Make a Geometric Logo? 5 Design Examples

geometric logo

The right logo design can make a difference, whether it be an iconic image representing the company’s goals or a geometric logo design focusing on simple, clean shapes with underlying meaning and purpose.  But if you were to ask many brands such as Adidas, Target, Spotify, Red Cross, or The Olympics – especially “The Olympics,” […]

How to Make a Logo Transparent?

transparent logo

A logo design is one of the business’s highlights because it is everywhere on its branding. But you want to take that logo to a whole new level. In that case, you have to make a logo transparent – whether at an annual seminar presentation, besides the trademark print of your business’ product, or at […]

Wie baut man eine E-Commerce-Marke auf und macht sie erfolgreich?

Wie man eine E-Commerce-Marke aufbaut und sie erfolgreich macht - featured image

Did you know that there are over 12 million Ecommerce businesses globally? And this number will keep growing as we enter a more advanced generation and innovative era.  Knowing that there are this many ecommerce businesses, it’s just fair to assume that millions of entrepreneurs want to build an Ecommerce brand with a great logo […]

DIY Logo: Achieve Professional Logos on a Limited Budget

DIY your logo

DIY or Do-it-yourself is not new to many, especially when creating a brand for a startup business. We can all agree that making a logo design to establish a digital marketing strategy is the first thing you have in mind for brand building.  A professional logo design can make or break the business’ trademark – […]

Can Our Logomakerr.AI Become a Cattle Brand Font Generator?

cattle logos in purple

Technology and innovation continue to evolve, so we find ourselves looking for tools and resources to make use of. One tool that’ll surely surprise you is – an AI logo generator powered by Artificial Intelligence that is perfect for starting or establishing businesses. This is nothing new, as many beauty, technology, and retail brands […]

Creating Quality Logo on a Budget: Tips for Affordable Design

You already have things planned to start your brand: the customers you want to target, the location in which you want it to be placed, and even the vision for it in the future. Congrats! But your budget is tighter than a drum. So, how would you continue now? Maybe creating a quality logo! The […]

9 Types of Graphic Design Jobs to Explore!

design tools

Are you passionate about logo designs, art, graphics, and all things visually appealing? If so, then the world of graphic design jobs might just be your ultimate playground! Dive into the creative realm where your ideas come to life, and explore innovative tools like the AI logo maker to elevate your design game. But before […]

6 Top Fonts for Real Estate Logos and Advertisements

real estate logo in purple background

Did you know you can find China’s world’s most prominent real estate company with over $200 billion in assets? And one of the factors that made a company this big is using effective visual marketing materials like billboards, magazines, and flyers. These visuals can catch a potential buyer’s attention – mainly to keep in mind […]