DIY Logo: Achieve Professional Logos on a Limited Budget

DIY your logo

DIY or Do-it-yourself is not new to many, especially when creating a brand for a startup business. We can all agree that making a logo design to establish a digital marketing strategy is the first thing you have in mind for brand building.  A professional logo design can make or break the business’ trademark – […]

Creating Quality Logo on a Budget: Tips for Affordable Design

You already have things planned to start your brand: the customers you want to target, the location in which you want it to be placed, and even the vision for it in the future. Congrats! But your budget is tighter than a drum. So, how would you continue now? Maybe creating a quality logo! The […]

6 Top Fonts for Real Estate Logos and Advertisements

real estate logo in purple background

Did you know you can find China’s world’s most prominent real estate company with over $200 billion in assets? And one of the factors that made a company this big is using effective visual marketing materials like billboards, magazines, and flyers. These visuals can catch a potential buyer’s attention – mainly to keep in mind […]

Coffee Lover? Identify These 3 Coffee Logos for Your Next Biz!

coffee in black background

For many people, coffee is highly addictive. Coffee is not just a beverage but a lifestyle. From the morning cup of joe to the afternoon pick-me-up, coffee is a daily ritual that brings people together and helps them start their day. As a result, the coffee industry has seen tremendous growth, with new coffee shops, […]

Navigating the Depths: OceanGate Branding Strategy in the Ocean Exploration

ocean gate logo

Ocean exploration has always been an awe-inspiring subject that captures the heart of many. And with a company like OceanGate, they are more than willing to research and innovate to remind us that there’s so much more to discover. The OceanGate company recently conducted a deep-sea exploration of the Titanic Shipwreck. Unfortunately, the research only […]

RGB Vs CMYK Color Modes: Explained for Beginners

CMYK code with a dripping white mark created by

Have you ever wondered why your digital images and file formats look different from their printed counterparts? Or are you eager to learn when to use each color mode to make your logo design creations stand out? This is where the color modes – RGB Vs CMYK enters! If you’ve ever wondered what these mysterious […]

Font Pairing, Is It Possible with a Logo Maker?

font pair logos

From piquing the audience’s interest to conveying the message you wish to offer, logo designing is crucial. In fact, a memorable and striking logo can make all the difference. It’s one of the major brand identities of your business, and creating it should not be taken lightly.  But what’s the correlation between a logo design […]

Cafe Design Trends: An Instagram-Worthy Branding for Coffee Shop

Branding for Coffee Shop - Featured Image

One billion users – that’s the number of active users that Instagram has. Given the vast size of its user base, it’s not surprising that companies, including coffee shops, are embracing this platform to attract customers. A survey by Zizzi found that 30% of millennials avoid restaurants with a weak Instagram presence.  That’s why in […]

10 Inspiring Letterhead Examples for Effective Branding


The market is crowded with competitors today, and that’s one of the grim realities you must face if you are a business owner. Nonetheless, there are many ways to make your brand stand out, and branding like logo designs and letterheads plays a crucial role in achieving that distinction. Branding is the process that creates […]

What is Cross Branding? How Collaboration Drives Business Success!

cross branding nike + apple watch

Picture this: two dynamic brands from different worlds coming together to create something spectacular, whether a particular product or service, all while crafting a captivating identity, logo design, and other branding aspects  to represent their joint venture! Cross Branding is a term that has been making waves in the corporate landscape for quite some time. […]